

Friday, August 8, 2014

Change of Plans

In July, we found out some news that will be changing our plans for coming home in September. Now that we have told our family and it is for sure, I can come out and say that Andrew is deploying. I can't say when or where but it is very soon and I'm pretty sure most people can guess where they are sending him. With that said, Oaklie and I will be coming back home to Idaho. It is definitely a bittersweet feeling. I will be home for fall and winter. Which fall back home is gorgeous and I can pull out my boots and winter clothes which I have not really worn in a few years. Andrew will miss all the holidays including Oaklie's birthday, but this is what you sign up for when you join the military. All I can do is stand behind him and encourage him that everything will be ok while he is away. We are so lucky to have family supporting us and being there for us because it makes things a lot easier for me to handle everything on my own. Last week Andrew received all his gear for his deployment and it didn't feel real until then. So I have been trying to get things done and put things together now so I can enjoy my time with him when it gets closer to him leaving. I've come up with a few ideas to send with him, like open when letters that he can read on special occasions like his birthday and all the holidays because who knows how long my letters will take to get to him for him to read on Thanksgiving or Christmas. If anyone has anymore ideas I can send with him or put in care packages that would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to being home with my family and catching up with everyone. :)

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