

Saturday, February 15, 2014


I have been so busy lately, I haven't had anytime to blog. Oaklie is keeping me really busy. She gets into everything and tries to climb up on anything she can. The other night, she climbed up on our table. She has learned how to open my dresser drawers and my make up bag. Lets just say this little girl can make a really big mess in a short amount of time. Can I just say how much I love my little girl! I will turn on music and Oak will just break out dancing no matter what she is doing at the time. Her most absolute favorite song right now is Timber by Pitbull. She is so obsessed that whenever she starts crying in the car, we put it on because it calms her down. Oak is just a little character. You cant help but not laugh and smile when she is near. :)

So many new things are taking place. Oaklie top two teeth finally broke through. We have been waiting forever for them to come. She now has 4 teeth. She has also learned how to take her clothes off. While I was home, I chopped my hair off to my shoulders. I cut off 10 inches. Surprisingly I'm not missing my long hair. With how hot and humid it is in Florida, I enjoy having short hair. Its easier to take care of. I have finally decided it was about time to go back and get my schooling done. My brother n law introduced me to Medical Coding. I'm excited but its a lot of material so that means a lot more studying for me.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. We spent the day at home. We really weren't in the mood to go out and deal with all the craziness. Andrew made me heart shaped waffles for breakfast and spoiled the crap out of me. I am not really a flower type of person. I feel like for the price they ask for a bouquet of flowers is a little ridiculous considering they only last a few days, so instead he bought me a shirt and sandals. And to top that off, he got me a 5 foot tall balloon. He knows me too well.

Of course we had to spoil Oaklie. We gave her an outfit of course. I have a bad addiction with baby clothes shopping. I buy Oak way too many clothes but I cant help it. Remember those jelly shoes we once had when we were little? Well they are on the shelves once again. I just had to get Oak a pair. So I gave her some really cute pink ones to go with her Valentines dress. And to my surprise, Oak really likes them. She wouldn't take them off last night and shes wearing them again today. I think shes obsessed with shoes as much as her Aunt Courtney. We also got her a baby doll which babies are her favorite thing right now. A lot of our friends say its a sign that shes ready for a little brother or sister. But no one get there hopes up because that is not going to happen for a couple more years. Oak keeps me busy enough. I don't think we can handle a baby on top of it all right now.

Valentine's Outfit.

I think I pretty much went over most of the things that has gone on for the past couple of months. Andrew is still scheduled to deploy this summer so we are just working and trying to spend as much time together before he leaves. But baby just woke up so its time to stop blogging and chase her around the house. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of there weekend.

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