

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New things coming our way!

Lately days at the Stiffler household have been really busy. We found out recently that Andrew's deployment got cancelled, again. It is a little frustrating when we make plans for him to be gone for 4-6 months then they decide to push it back or cancel it all together. Budget cuts have a big thing to do with it and where we are pulling away from Afghanistan at the end of the year, they just decided not to send anymore Airman from Andrew's squadron. Andrew will deploy, its just we don't know when or where. Now that Andrew is staying at least until the end of the year, we have to move. Our contract is up in a little over a month, and as much as we love this house, we decided to move closer to work. We got a cute house 10 minutes away from base and just right by the beach. Summer is going to be so much fun with living only 1 mile away from the water and Oaklie being as old as she is, we will be able to do a lot more things. Most of our summer days will consist of laying out on the sand, fishing, and hanging out with our friends. I have mix feelings on moving. It stresses me out a little just because I hate the process of it all. We have so much stuff to move and I am so OCD about my house being clean so having everything in boxes and the house being unorganized is going to drive me up the wall. I will probably stay up all night unpacking and putting my house together. That's just me though, I wont rest until its done. Oaklie is a whole different story. You cant keep this girl down. She is going to be running wild while we try to pack and move things. Days like that I wish I had my mom and dad around to babysit.

I have also decided it was time to get a job. A job I can make a career. I just had an interview yesterday with an out patient Spine Surgery clinic and I am crossing my fingers I will get it. Working in the medical field has always been an interest of mine so getting this job would make me extremely happy. I will miss not having my little shadow with me everyday but with both Andrew and my work schedule, she will only have to go to a babysitter 2 times a week and the rest of the week she's either with me or her daddy. I also think having her around other kids will be good for her. Crossing my fingers it works out.

Oaklie is growing up so fast and saying so much. She just had her 15 month check up yesterday. I still cannot believe she's 15 months. You would not believe her vocabulary. She says sentences in baby gibberish and she is starting to say a lot of words. She can say up to 10 words now. Its pretty impressive on what she has picked up. She says I love you, thank you, please, uh-oh, oh man, mom, dad, baby, ball, papa, and she tries to say her name. She shakes her head no when she means yes and no. She is obsessed with combing hair. She got a Minnie Mouse hair set for her birthday and she is constantly combing her hair, mine, or Andrews. A couple of weeks ago she went with me and my friend Shannon to get a pedicure and she loved putting her feet in the water with mine. Oak has an obsession with playing outside. We try to go to the park a couple of times a week to let her run around for awhile. She likes to feed the ducks and go down the slide. And everyone knows how much this girl loves to dance. Any music comes on she will stop what she is doing and start dancing. Cutest thing in the world. We only have to wait until she is 3 and we can put her in dance class.

I think I caught up with about everything that is going on. I am going to try to come home this summer. I don't know if it will happen if I get this job but hopefully it will happen. I miss my family too much to not see them for a year. April is going to be a busy month for us with moving alone but our 3rd anniversary is coming up and my birthday. Its going to be a busy and a little stressful month. Praying for patience and for everything to fall into place.

 Pedicure with mommy

 Combing Daddy's hair

Chilling on the beach

Playing at the park

Feeding the ducks

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