

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Adjusting to the Military!

I know it has been awhile since I've posted anything, its been a combination of getting things in order for Andrew's graduation and I don't get that much time to spend with my husband after he comes home from work, so I would rather be spending time with him then on the computer. Well our time is almost up here at Goodfellow! :) We will be coming home in about a month. I am so happy and excited to see my family you would not even believe. I cannot wait to see my little nephews and nieces. My family sends me pictures of them every now and again, and you would not believe how much they all have changed. I have been really homesick lately so a good two weeks in Idaho will do me a lot of good. I desperately need a good dose of my crazy Campbell family lol. :)

Me and Andrew have been busy putting everything in order and going through paperwork so when the time comes to leave, everything should run smoothly. We have been debating these last few weeks on living on or off base in Florida. This is a really tough decision because they have a lot of nice homes for reasonable prices, but living on base we wouldn't have to worry about bills, bills, and bills. So both have its pros and cons, we just haven't came to an agreement yet.

These past few weeks have been really hard on me. Being home by myself ALL the time, has been getting to me. I feel like I rarely see Andrew. It has been 7 months since my husband has lived with me and living double life's, gets really hard. I'm just grateful that I have the support of my family and only 4 weeks left of tech school.

This probably will be my last post for a little while because in these next few weeks during the holidays, life is going to get a little crazy. After Christmas, I have three weeks to get the house in order for the movers to come in. I have lots and lots of paperwork to do.....well Andrew has a lot of paperwork to do lol. We have a lot of decisions to make before we come home to Idaho. Wish I was more prepared to take on all the stress a military wife takes on. But on the bright side, things will get a lot easier once Andrew goes operational. Thank goodness! It was fun and all traveling around Texas and exploring new places but I am ready to leave and put Texas behind me. Wish me luck in these next few weeks because we are going to need it. Have a Happy Holidays everyone, see you all in about a month! :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

I Support the Troops!

Just a moment ago I received a link on my Facebook to watch a Youtube video on Liberty Chick! Now this girl goes into detail on why she does not support the troops. Normally I do not get defensive or upset when people tell me they don't support the troops or the war. I believe people are entitled to their opinions and can support what ever they want but this woman really got to me. She categorized soldiers into three groups. 1.) They were dumb and couldn't pay child support so took the easiest way to get money by joining. 2.) Evil, meaning they enjoy killing and terrorizing people. Finally, the third category, Morally compromised. She goes on saying how soldiers are serial killers and 90% of the casualties in war are innocent unarmed people. She never does bring up the fact that on 9/11 thousands of innocent people fell victim to the Taliban. She never goes into detail on the reasons why we are in Iraq or Afghanistan. She categorizes them as the victims and us as the terrorists. She obviously does not know anything about the military because if she did, she wouldn't be saying those things. I've seen first hand on what it takes to become a solider and what them and their families have to go through. These men and women give up their entire life to protect this country. They are willing to die for us and I think that's what makes a hero. Putting your life on the line for your country.

I don't want to post negative things on my blog but I cannot just sit back and let someone call my husband a killer or morally compromised. She does not know what the troops go through and what they give up. She does not know my husband or what he has gone through. He doesn't do this for the money, he doesn't do it just so he can be called a hero. Personally, Andrew feels uncomfortable when people single him out to thank him. I'm not saying he doesn't appreciate it because he does. But he doesn't think of himself as a hero, he thinks of himself as an Airman doing his job. Like I said in the beginning not everyone has agree with what the military is doing. People have a right to their own opinion but before you blast your opinion all over Youtube, research what your talking about because from that video, she obviously does not know anything about the military. I support the troops and I am grateful for what my husband is doing for me and this country. I am so happy I married a man who understands the meaning of honor, courage, and loyalty and lives his life by the Airman's creed. I want to thank all the men and women who have served and are serving in the military. I hope everyone who are home or deployed have a happy holidays and can spend the holidays with there families even if its over the phone. :)
(Link to Liberty Chick)