

Sunday, October 2, 2011

This is my life.

Its crazy how turned around my Sundays have gone these past few months. It went from being one of my favorite days to my worst. Before and during bmt, Sundays were relaxing and a day to escape from the real world. I would also recieve a phone call from Andrew. Now its a day where we have to get things ready for the week and Andrew has meetings he has to go to and also curfew. I hate how fast the weekends go now. The weeks seem to be dragging because everyday it seems like every other day. We have a routine going on but theres no we in most of the routine. It seems like every day is just about the same. Andrew has class and then has meetings after duty hours. After all of that I get two to three hours with him until curfew. Gotta love the military. The Air Force is Andrews mistress and she gets most of the attention. I understand that I got myself into this by marrying an airman. As much as I complain about how horrible it can be sometimes, I would'nt change it for anything. During bmt I would write Andrew everyday. I learned to take all of frustrations and worries out on paper instead of someone else. It helped me cope with the military life. Throughout my blogs you will hear some frustations I have with the military because this is this how I deal with it. Given by my title "Story of an Airmans girl", most of my blogs will be about my military life. If you ask a recruiter, a military wife, or even a soldier how you deal with this lifestyle, they will tell you to write A LOT. So I took there advice and now Im hooked.

My life is very compliated and I am not allowed to know alot about my husbands job. He comes home from work and all I ask him is how work was. He would answer with a good or frustrating and thats the end of the conversation. Andrew is not aloud to tell me a lot of things and I am ok with that. I understand why. It gets hard and frustrating at times but we have both learned to write down everything we are stressed about and leave it on paper. The military doesnt really effect our relationship in a negative way. If anything it has brought us closer together. Theres is no other love then a military love. We leave work at work and focus on spending time with each other when we can. Not having him with me at night during the weekdays are hard but the weekends make up for that. But I dont think we've could've done it without our family. We are so lucky we have family who stand behind us. I dont know where I would be without my family. They have helped me out so much while Andrew was gone and they still do today. I love them so much and I couldnt have asked for a better family.

Many people who are not in the military dont realize that the hardest job in the military is being a soldiers wife. We are the reasons why our men keep doing what they do. We are the only thing in there life that is solid and doesnt change. We accept them for who they are and for what they have to do. We stand behind them no matter what even if we dont agree.

 I Am an Air Force Wife

I've noticed in my present job there is this tiny quirk
There is no respect at all, and it's not considered work.
Well I am here to show you another point of view
Just to give you an idea, of what WE really do.
Here is my job description, and to better understand
I've written it in the lingo of my Military Man.

I am the IG complaints come to me
I am the MEDIC, I bandage skinned knees
I am the JAG and COURT MARITAL too...
I decide the punishments, how much and on who!
I am SAFETY, inspecting all the junk
I am the FIRST SHIRT checking the bunk

I am SUPPLY in charge of food and clothes
households goods and heaven only knows...
I am the SP who secures the door
I am FINANCE, but giving out more
I am SERVICES who cooks all the meals
I am TRANS in charge of the wheels

I am MWR planning all the fun
I am the BUGLER announcing the 'Day is Done'
I am the CQ and Fire Dept too,
there isn't much that I don't do...
I am the Instructor, also you see
Because everything that is learned is taught by me

I am the Flight Leader who knows his troops well
Sometimes the T.I. who really can yell
I am the 0-10 and the E-9 you see
cause everything must come through me
I'll never go to combat, but certain battles I will face
But rest assure when you deploy, count on me to guard the base

I am always on duty, I never take leave,
No Holidays off, It's hard to believe
I can never ETS, I signed on for life
My Primary AFSC is Mother, my secondary is AF Wife
For all my devotion to duty, my LES says NO PAY DUE
Because I am not paid in money, but in the words "I Love You"

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